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First date advice—What to do on a first date

First date advice

You want a first date to be charged with sexual tension, watching the sunset is okay, but there are other first date ideas that work better.

Probably my best first date advice out of the date is to forget dinner and a movie. The traditional date just isn’t going to cut it. Here is some great first date advice that will make a girl want more of you.

So she’s agreed to go out with you. Now what?

Coming up with something to do with a girl you don’t know that well can be tough, especially when you need to make a good impression.

But, it’s on you, as the guy, to decide what to do…

Whatever you do, DO NOT ask her for ideas. You can tell her what you were thinking and ask how that sounds to her.

But don’t ask her for ideas. You’re the guy, it’s your job to come up with ideas. Just the fact that you plan it scores you points since you’re taking charge. And I don’t give two shits what any women’s libbers say, when it comes to romance, women want you to take the lead.

I’ve dated some incredibly powerful girls, women that would intimidate most 7 figure CEO’s. And every one of them appreciated that I made the decisions (with their input) early on.

Going to dinner and a movie is horrible first date advice but I hear it all the time. Instead, you need to get your girl excited and invested in you.

So you want to plan the first few dates and okay them with her. Have a few back up dates in case she absolutely hates your first couple ideas.

Okay, first of all, dinner and a movie is out. I could write a full blog post on why this is such a crappy idea, but for now, just take my word for it.

Meeting at the local coffee place is not going to cut it either. This is one of the worst ideas because conversation can be hard enough on a first date and it’s much harder when your sitting across the table starting at each other. And I know a lot of places that give first date advice list this as a good first date, but DO NOT under any circumstances believe it.

For a first date you want something that…

  • …is sexually charged.
  • …let’s her get to know you.
  • …activates her mind and/or her body.
  • …makes it easy and comfortable to get physical with each other during the of the date.

That last one is the key as far as I’m concerned. If the date goes well, you want it to be easy and natural to let her get in your pants.

For some specific first date ideas that lead from out in public to at least another date if not the bedroom.