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How to meet women

How to Meet Women

As we here at www.online-dating-mastery.com plan our program on how to find a girlfriend, I want to show you how I teach so you get long-lasting results when approaching women.
Me and one of my best students are in the process of putting together a program for guys to learn how to meet women. He’s taking the ball and running with it right now, getting an outline we can work off of, and coming up with ideas so that you guys get great at approaching women and have FUN doing it.

The kid is a genius and I’m sure he’ll come up with things you and I have never seen… things that will help you get good with women, faster than you ever imagined.

And, in that spirit, I want to chime in here on the blog and let you know why we are doing this…

In the last 8 years I’ve been around the world coaching hundreds of guys. I’ve traveled to something like 16 countries, on 4 continents showing guys how to get better with women.

At the beginning, I just sort of tag along with them as they go about their daily routine and as we go, I show them how to meet and attract women.

We’d go to the mall, grocery shopping, and or bar. If he didn’t have social hobbies, we signed up for things women enjoy. We would go over theory, female psychology and any roadblocks the guy had.

In very single case, bar none, the guy got better with women. I had a couple of cases where a guy hadn’t been laid in years and he took a quality girl to bed while I was there coaching.

But there was one big problem…

Often when I left, the guy would go right back to his old, ineffective habits. That frustrated the shit out of me. We would spend hours and hours with this, going over it, practicing it… intensively. The guy would be absolutely killing it while we were together. Meeting women, getting dates, having sex…

But within a week or two, he’d be right back doing the same ineffective things he did before I came.

So, I added email and phone/Skype support to my program for and additional six months after my visit to help guys stay on track. (In a few cases I flew back in person on my own dime.) And that helped A LOT!

But for some reason there were some guys who didn’t have a BIG lasting improvement, and that bugged the shit out of me.

I absolutely believe that ANY man who makes a commitment to get better with women can improve in this area of his life. But there were guys who invested thousands of dollars to work with me, an obvious commitment, got incredible results while I was there coaching them, but didn’t keep improving… once I left.

So I took some time and researched what other dating experts were doing to see if they were getting better results than I was.

Well, they weren’t. The methods I saw these other guys using were horrible. Most of the boot camps were like religious zealot gatherings where students fed the ego of the teacher, learning nothing in the process.

Students would be forced to talk to women in uncomfortable situations… And I mean forced.

They were pushed and shamed and embarrassed into making an approach. You’re nervous as hell, your confidence hovering around zero, and some sociopathic ego-maniac is yelling at you to go talk to some girl.

Yeah, right. Like that’s gonna help. Often the students would be so messed up after a few nights of that crap that they were worse off with women than when they started.

I had work to do…

On one hand I was proud that I had much better results than these other ‘experts’. But on the other hand I was left wondering what the hell was wrong with this industry I was in?!?

See what they were doing was the exact opposite of what I believe. They had their students do a few really emotionally intense approaches instead of lots of emotionally relaxed approaches.

Their philosophy is that you have to “condition” guys by throwing them into the worst possible scenario. That what doesn’t kill the guy makes him stronger. That nothing will be worse than what they just did, and the guy lived through it, so he will be fine from then on.

That’s insane. It scared half these guys into never wanting to talk to another girl again. It “conditions” a fear response and creates and aversion to ever getting into that situation again.

Confidence comes from mastery. Mastery comes from taking small steps that you can feel good about as you become better at whatever task you’re doing.

So what I have my students do is talk to a lot of women in low stress situations. I call this high-volume / low-intensity training. At the beginning I have them ask 10 women a boring, benign question… the time, if it’s going to rain that day, how to get to the post office, if there is a health food store nearby, where to find a good coffee…

When they see how easy that is, we go on to opening 10-15 women with a compliment until they are comfortable with the results. When they see how well that goes, and it ALWAYS goes well, we move on to getting numbers, dates, or get physical right away depending on the situation.

Slow, steady, comfortable progression that leads to confidence and mastery. And the best thing about me coaching this way is that these guys continue to progress even when I’m not with them!!!

When I started coaching like this a few years ago, my results went through the roof. ALL the guys I worked with were successful over the long-term, not just when I was there being their motivation and their crutch.

See, most of the guys coaching out there have it all wrong, and I’m not pointing fingers, I used to do the same thing.

They think that getting good with women is about a set of skills, techniques, and methods. And, I honestly think that’s true to some extent…

But it’s not the key.

The key is repetition. Doing something over and over in a safe environment until it becomes second nature, then moving on to the next step and repeating that over and over until it becomes part of your subconscious.

Another reason this has been so effective for my students is that they can do this and be 100% themselves. There’s no right or wrong way to do this. You create the rules, and no two people are the same. What works for one guy with one woman, might flop for another guy gaming a different woman.

But what remains is the confidence to be able to act on what you want and ultimately get it.

When first talking to girls, you start with something short and sweet. When you’re comfortable with that, you begin to open more aggressively. Your conversations can be built so you go from normal, benign conversations to deep, soul-touching conversations. Your flirting will progress from basic humor to building unbearable sexual tension.

What you need to do, and how I teach this, is to do high-volume / low-intensity, taking small steps on the way.

Taking a guy who has never been laid and telling him to start a conversation with a Victoria Secret model is going to scare the crap out of him. But as he gets comfortable taking small steps one at a time, he will be making out with this same girl in minutes.

Again, the key is to take small steps until you are comfortable… then inching ever closer to your end goal.

Now, the program we are putting together will cover a lot more than just how to approach women. We are still in the early stages of developing it, but here are some of the things we are including…

How to approach women
Conversation skills
Types of women and how to seduce each type
Alpha Male/status/dominance
Physical Escalation
What women find attractive and how to be attractive
Female psychology
Limiting beliefs
Inner Game

Our goal is to create a program that we can deliver through an online course, or preferably by having guys come here to Vegas for a week and practice, learn theory, female psychology, and form a community.

Either way we do it, it will be the best of both worlds for the guys who take us up on this. You get to be in the best place on earth for meeting women. You discover how to make LASTING change in your abilities with women. We get to work with you one on one to master these success habits, taking you through them in a fun, relaxed setting where you have great chances of success. And you can continue to use what we do here every day for the rest of your life.

We are really excited about having this for you guys.

It will just take a little bit to create a killer system, test it out, fine-tune it… and have it ready for you!

Oh, and send any comments or suggestions to us here.

Talk to you later—JT

If you are interested in one on one coaching, click here.