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More First Date Ideas

More First Date Ideas

More first date ideas still need to amplify sexual tension.

In the last post I gave you a few examples of first dates for guys with a sense of adventure.

As promised, this post I’ll give you some more first date ideas, this time a few that are a little more low key.

Again, the objective is to design the date so that it ends up with you having the choice to take her to bed or not…

Not that you need or want to take every girl to bed on the first date, but it’s nice to have the OPTION.

We also want a first date where the focus is on something OTHER than the two of you. That means dinner is out.

So, with that said, we need some first dates that are lower key but still have an element of sexual tension as a natural consequence of the date.

Here are my personal favorites, and the ones that have been successful for other guys.
Taking a girl to an amusement park on a first date is a great idea!

The Amusement Park First Date

This is a great date for you no matter how young or old you are, and women of all ages usually enjoy going to a theme park

I’m 45 and typically take my 20-something’s on this kind of first date. It is also great for older women since it takes them back to a time when they were young, spontaneous, and carefree… all things you want a woman to feel when she’s with you.

We want your girl to regress a little bit back to a time when life was easier and more free. So the amusement park, fair, or theme park is a great date for this.

Plus, it’s fun. And the fun you have on the date transfers to the girl thinking that YOU are fun.

There are also a lot of distractions and a lot of things going on so her focus isn’t on interviewing you, it’s on all the things going on in the background.

Go Shopping

Okay, this is one of my favorite lower key dates. Women love to go shopping, well most women do anyway. And you will be the only, or one of the only guys to ask her to take you shopping.

To set this up, tell her that she has a great sense of style and you like the way she puts herself together. Then mention that you need some help picking out a pair of pants, a shirt, tie or whatever and ask if she’d like to help pick something out. She will love your creativity and probably jump at the chance to show off her sense of style and help you out.

Plus,  you really get to know someone when you go clothes shopping with them. And, if things go well, you can ask her to join you in the dressing room. 🙂

Bar hopping

Okay, this is not one of my favorite dates anymore… I quit drinking about 20 years ago and I really don’t like the bar atmosphere anymore.


In my younger days I did go to multiple bars with a girl and those first dates were often quite rewarding.

Now, the secret is to go to 2 or 3 bars as the night goes on. If possible, pick the order of the bars so that as you go from one to the next the level of intensity in each bar increases and the distance to your place decreases.

So, the first bar you go to should be a low key place where you just hang out and talk a little. Challenge another couple at the bar to a game of darts, shoot a game of pool, play fooseball.

At the second place, and this one doesn’t have to be a bar, grab a quick bite to eat or an appetizer.

Then move to a higher energy bar were the music is loud, you can dance with her and the sexual energy is starting to crank.

It’s great if the last place you go to has dark corners when you can make out a little… from there it’s an easy transition to your place, which is hopefully in walking distance or a short cab ride away.

And guys (and girls), if you have some first date ideas that have worked well for you, please send me an email!

Talk soon—JT

This post has some more first date ideas that are high energy right from the start.

And here is my primer on first date ideas that increase the chances of you ending up in bed together.