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Dating Advice From a Woman

Dating Advice From a Women to All the Guys Out There

dating advice from a woman
Dating advice from a woman to a guy is better than listening to your guy friends…

Okay, there are some exciting things going on for you guys here. First of all, a lot of you will be happy to see that you can finally buy something from me and learn more about what I think it takes to be successful with women. I apologize for taking so long, but I’ve been incredibly busy.

Most of what I have for you is on my other site, online-dating-mastery.com and you can check out what I have there. For guys here on this blog, I would say that your best bet is to get Instant Internet Attraction. It goes through the seduction sequence and mentality from the basics to the advanced stuff.

I’ve re-arranged my schedule, so hopefully I can get you guys new material every month or so. And you know you can always get personal coaching too.

Second, I’ve asked a friend of mine, Marlee, to write a few posts here for you so we can all get some advice straight from a woman. I’m not sure how it will work exactly. One possibility is that she writes for you, and then I comment… and vice-versa.

I might just give her the blog for a little while and see how you guys like it and if the new perspective helps you.

Maybe she can answer your questions in the blog. In fact if you want a normal woman’s honest opinion on things, this could be a GREAT opportunity for you to get it. Contact me here and I’ll ask Marlee to answer your questions. Just put “Marlee” in the subject line or in the message somewhere.

Let me tell you a little about her, and why I wanted her to write about picking up women…
male dating advice from a woman

She’s doesn’t know anything about the community, nothing about the “science” of pickup, she hasn’t heard of Mystery or Style. She’s never been exposed to any of the theories on how to meet women doesn’t know what approach anxiety is. She has no clue what an IOI or DHV is. She has never had anyone run The Cube on her. None of it.

She’s a REAL person, a college athlete, she has a degree, a job she loves, and a life. And she’s super cute. The perfect girl next door. Just the kind of girl all of us guys want.

Naive in a sexy way. Sexy in a hot way. Smart and street smart. She’s educated and can adapt to social situations to make you look good (she even figured me out damn fast). Pretty but not so pretty that you feel intimidated. Someone you can take home to meet your family, but you know she will still rock your world.

In short, she thinks like 90% of the girls out there, and she’s the girl 90% of us guys want. If you understand her, you understand women. She wants the same things as other women you’d want to be with. She has the same misconceptions about what she thinks she wants and what will really attract her to a guy. She understands herself and guys enough to get the subtext of situations. And guys try to pick her up all the time… so she can tell us what works and what doesn’t.

So, with her permission, maybe we’ll do a little “case study” on her (which is kinda funny since she has a psych degree) and I can point out what I think is going on.

Sometimes I’ll be dead on, and it will probably be a revelation to her. And other times I might be way off base and she can teach me a few things. At least we’ll get an unbiased, pure, REAL perspective and not some fictitious idea of what some PUA thinks women are thinking.

Tomorrow she’ll be giving us her first post on dating advice! I’ve asked her to write about picking up girls in bars since it’s a topic I don’t feel I’m an expert on anymore, and don’t do too often these days.