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Drinking and Dating—How to instantly improve your game

Drinking and Dating—How to instantly improve your game

I was out to lunch yesterday and saw something that I just had to write about. A ‘friend’ and I were sitting outside at a nice café that overlooks the Las Vegas Strip enjoying a great meal and great conversation when we noticed two guys sitting a few tables behind us acting like total douchebags.

They were young, maybe in their early 20’s, and were trying to be funny/cocky/smooth/cool—you name it—but it was coming off horribly.

They were trying to turn everything the waitress (a tall, attractive blonde) said into something vaguely sexual, and were obviously hitting on her. They were both trying to play off each other, thinking they were being funny, but all they were doing was making the waitress really uncomfortable.

And in case you hadn’t guessed yet…these guys were definitely drinking and dating (well, maybe something similar to dating ) was on their mind.


I rescued the waitress a bit later and she told me that she used to be a bartender and was used to guys acting like that when they were drinking. These two guys were borderline WASTED. And it was one o’clock in the afternoon (well, it is Vegas after all).

Here’s the thing. Drinking is fun. Picking up women is fun. Ok, both of those are REALLY fun. But they should be done separately. A lot of people feel they need to have one or two to ‘knock the edge off’, or loosen themselves up. And it’s true, drinking certainly does take the edge off. But it does something else too. It makes you THINK you’re being witty/funny/smooth/cool/confident/charming, but most of the time you are NOT BEING ANY OF THOSE THINGS.

Ask any female bartender you know if she likes dealing with drunk guys or if guys are more attractive when they are drunk. Are they constantly hitting on her? Does it get worse the more that they drink? Do drinking and dating mix? Does she enjoy it? I think you and I already know the answers to those questions.

Drinking also makes your reactions slower. I’m not talking about your physical reactions, but you mental ones. So when a girl says something that you could turn into a great conversation starter, comfort builder, or the next step in Seduction Sequence, you miss it because you are a tick behind and miss your opportunity.

And you don’t have to be drinking in excess for that to happen. All it takes is a couple drinks for you to be that half-step behind that will kill your chances. It’s a game of nuances and subtle steps that need to happen at the right time, in the right order, to be effective. Drinking puts you behind the eight ball from the get go.

Another advantage to not drinking is that you’ll probably be the ONLY sober person in the place, women included. Ahh…yes grasshopper, the woman you are interested in will also be drinking, which means YOU will be a tick faster than she is, which is HUGE. And because she’s drinking, once you build attraction with her she’s going to over exaggerate her attraction signals and you will be right there, clear headed and able to pick up on them.


Try this next time you go out. Yeah, I know, it may take some getting used to, but it will pay off in the end.

Talk to you soon– JT

So look, you don’t have to be one of those guys out there drinking and dating. You’ll be much better off in the long run if you master yourself…

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