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How to attract beautiful women

How to attract beautiful women

One of the keys to attract beautiful women is to make sure you screen them for more than their looks.
Okay, I have an email I want to share with you today. It’s from a friend who I’ve been helping with women the past week or two.

I mentioned to him that one way to get women attracted to you is to be impressed with WHAT A GIRL SAYS OR HOW SHE THINKS rather than how beautiful she is.

There is a whole philosophy and way to do that. I’ll go over it in another post soon.

For now, take a look at what he wrote to me, and I’m going to answer here on the blog to help everyone.

My game has to be a little different than yours, though. I don’t like talking like you do. In fact, I hate small talk and “getting to know you” talk. I’d rather just sit and be silent with a girl and start some dirty talk. Now THAT I can get into.

I don’t want to fake like I start to like a girl when she says something that impresses me. I’m already impressed by her looks and I don’t want to pretend that there’s a different reason I’m talking to her. If she does impress me with her sense of humor or outlook on life, I’ll appreciate it later… after we have sex.

So here’s a guy who doesn’t want to make small talk with a girl. He just wants to sit in mutual silence until he feels like saying something dirty to her.

Then he goes on to say that he wants to let the girl know he’s only interested in her because of her looks. But after he has sex with her, he will let her know that he appreciates “her sense of humor or outlook on life”.

You can see we have some work to do.

Because as much as my friend might want to be able to cut to the chase like that with women…

Early on, it’s not going to work terribly well for him.

Not to say that I haven’t been successful and that you can’t get laid when you let a girl know you only want her because of her looks. We can. It’s just not a high percentage strategy. And it takes a certain kind of girl in specific circumstances in her life for that to work.

So, for now I’d suggest you actually FIND SOMETHING YOU RESPECT ABOUT A GIRL BEFORE you decide to have sex with her. This is a key if you are learning how to attract beautiful women.

Sleeping with someone just because they are hot is kinda fucked up in my book. You can argue that I just don’t do now because I have so many options, but the same was true when I was less experienced.

I have a little notebook of rules from maybe 25 years ago where I wrote “If there’s nothing you like, admire, or respect about a girl, don’t sleep with her.”

I think that’s a pretty good rule. Good looks aren’t enough to sleep with a girl, at least most of the time they aren’t enough. The major problem with doing that is that most of the time it’s going to mess with our campsite rule… which says that we have the responsibility to leave every woman better off when we leave her life than when we entered it.

Like I said, there are exceptions. Some women in some circumstances will benefit greatly from being treated like a sex object and that’s it. But most of the time, that isn’t the case.

So you have a moral obligation not to sleep with someone just because they’re hot.

Although, I have a feeling that in most cases, this is a moot point. My guess is that guys who think like that don’t get attractive women interested in them in the first place.

In the case of this guy, there’s something interesting in the sub-text of the message he wrote that tells me no attractive woman is going to go for him. He writes, “I don’t want to fake like I start to like a girl when she says something that impresses me. I’m already impressed by her looks and I don’t want to pretend that there’s a different reason I’m talking to her.”

Now gentleman,that goes against every principle of how to attract beautiful women… let’s pretend we are this attractive girl. By the time you are only 24 years old, you have been hit on tens of thousands of times by guys. You know guys are impressed by your looks. You know that’s why you get so much attention. You know when a guy is faking it. You KNOW when a guy is full of shit.

But, here’s the REAL reason a guys who writes that will never get a really attractive girl to go for him.

It’s the simple fact that the ONLY criteria he needs to sleep with a girl is her good looks. That kind of attitude REEKS of LOW SELF CONFIDENCE. And if there is anything we know about women, it’s that they find self confidence attractive.

Here’s how this breaks down in the mind of an attractive woman when she meets this guy…

“He is so desperate, he has so few choices, he has so little experience with women… that he will sleep with me just because he thinks I’m pretty.”

See, the way this guy is thinking is totally the opposite of how I think. He ends his criteria with the decision of whether or not a girl is good looking.

I start there.

If a girl isn’t attractive, I don’t even begin to entertain the thought of being with her. And she has to have a hell of a lot more than her looks if she expects me to take her to bed. Her looks are a required starting point, but we are just out of the gate and it’s a long race.

THAT attitude is one that the hottest of hot women find attractive.

Moral of today’s story…

If you have the thought process that you’ll sleep with a woman just because of her looks, she won’t give you the option to sleep with her.


If you require a woman to meet multiple standards before you’ll date her, you will be turning down hot women who offer themselves to you but have nothing but their looks.

You can take that to the bank.

JT out.

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